Consolidation and deconsolidation of cargo is a process that takes place in import and export boarding. Consolidation happens in export boarding and is characterized by the packing of one or multiple cargo batches in a container. Deconsolidation occurs for import boarding and is characterized by the removal of one or multiple batches from a container. This process is identified as a mechanism to reduce costs. The simpler strategy to consolidate cargo is to postpone shipping in a determined route until there is enough load to reach maximum capacity in the transportation vehicle. The problem with that is sometimes it affects negatively client services both in delivery deadline and its consistency. Cargo consolidation allows the gathering of many shippings both from a single or multiple shippers to a same destination, benefiting from scale economy. Fractional cargo are characterized by having small load amount embarked according to the used modal or packing unit, like a container. Fractional cargo are recognized by different types of product and irregular demands according to a time frame. In international logistics, specially in fast modals like aerial, cargo consolidation generates economy scale, distributing permanent costs by a larger volume of imported products, aside from raising the power to negotiate international freight, which turns into something more advantageous the higher the volume and weight. Our import export team conducts detailed studies about consolidation and embark opportunities in all transportation modals presenting pros and cons of every alternative and delivering precise and quality information to the client’s decision making process.