Promotional logistics is composed of many stages that begin at the material receiving, assemble and shipping of the kit to the selling point. This process is responsible for a large scale of generated costs in a marketing campaign and influences the success of a strategy. To help guarantee operational efficiency and therefore a successful performance for a marketing campaign, businesses need to structure these actions beforehand, since they might face bureaucratic and operational obstacles undermining the actions success. Our team will create a study ponctuating important steps of the process, verifying about specific licenses needs, and evaluating the implementation of the project. This stage consists in detailed evaluating about the product’s characteristics and specifications, physical space adequacy, license and authorization acquisition and the elaboration of a timetable with the steps to implement the project. Even though that operation might seem simple, it is filled with details that, if ignored, may generate future liabilities, when an operation can be erroneously classified as repacking and for the tax office classified as a industrialization process, fitting it into a completely fiscal classification than a simple packing or repacking, with the incidence of different federal and state taxes.